U.S. Treasury Cracks Down: 49 Crypto Addresses Blacklisted for Darknet Ties

Feds freeze 49 crypto addresses tied to Nemesis darknet marketplace. How a single operator moved $1.6M in illegal funds before authorities caught on. The cat-and-mouse game continues.

Crypto ATMs Under Fire: Senators Push for Tough Crackdown on Fraudsters

Bitcoin ATMs: criminals’ $100M cash-grab machine with a password you could crack in seconds. Senators are finally fighting back as elderly victims lose life savings.

Indian Authorities Seize ₹239M in Crypto in Massive Crackdown on Gainbitcoin Ponzi Scheme

Indian authorities seize ₹239M in crypto assets in a nationwide raid on GainBitcoin—the infamous Ponzi scheme that devoured $758 million from unsuspecting investors. The scandal continues to unravel.